Tuesday, May 21, 2013


About a month after Kate's birthday I finally started on her quilt. Even though I had been saving ideas on pinterest for a while, I was still having a hard time deciding what to do. I knew I didn't want anything complicated- I had never quilted before, and have only used a sewing machine a few times- and I didn't want anything that needed a perfect pattern- no rows of squares. I am a little OCD/ and slightly a perfectionist so I knew that if I didn't get those rows matched up and straight it would kill me and I would take it out over and over and over.

So with some help from my mom I decided on 3" wide strips, but random lengths in each row. Mom showed me how to square off my fabric, and I got to cutting lots and lots of fabric.

After a couple weeks, I got all the strips cut. I took them home and laid them all out trying to make a "random" pattern that didn't look awful. When it looked good enough (over an hour later) I bundled each row up so I could return to mom's an sew them together.
I've started sewing the strips together, so I'll post whenever I get done.

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