Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby Shower

I had my baby shower this past Sunday at my mom's house. My sister threw the shower with help from my mom and Adam's mom. It was great, I couldn't have asked for anything more. The food was good, people had a good time, the kids were adorable (Kaelyn thought I was "taking a shower at Grandma's") and everyone was beyond generous with their gifts for the baby. I have a million thank you notes to write and send off.

We had a rubber ducky theme. It all started with my mom's idea to make this ducky cake she saw online. From there we had duck pond punch, duck cupcakes, and duck favors.
It was cute, and thankfully not too overboard.

The most emotional part of the day happened before the shower even started. Adam's mom brought down a special present- a blanket, bonnet, bootie, and sweater set his grandmother knitted.
She passed away last year before we were even thinking of getting pregnant.
Adam cried, his mom cried, I cried.
Some people think we should save it for the baby, for when it grows up, as a memento of his/her great grandmother. Adam says we should use it now. That's what it was made for. What use is it going to have if it is just boxed away? It is a very special gift and we will remember her every time we use it.

But on a lighter note...

There were a lot of presents, and thankfully I had some helpers to open them for me. I didn't realize how tired I would get from sitting and opening presents, but it was exhausting.

It was great seeing friends and family. My friend Annie is due two weeks before me with her third baby. She says she feels huge, but I think she looks great!

And at the end of the day, we finally got everything home and loaded into the nursery. I, of course, had to immediately sort through everything and organize the  clothes and assemble the baby gear.
After about 2 hours, the nursery went from this :

To this:

Adam asked if doing that helped my nesting. My answer: not really. I still have the itch to wash all the clothes and blankets, get more clothes and diapers, get the crib from my sister, install the car seat into the car, and about a million other things. But I am feeling a little more prepared to bring this baby home. Even if  I do have 7 more weeks.


  1. Such a fun time! I'm so glad we could come and visit. I'm so excited to hear about baby's arrival and all the fun stories to follow. :)

  2. This baby shower looks fun! Congratulations! It's exciting to wait for a new member of the family. I've checked your photos, and you seem to be ready with the nursery room, cradle, blankets, toys and diapers. I'm happy for you.


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