Monday, January 23, 2012

30 Weeks

When did this happen?!

Only 10 more weeks to go, I can't believe it. Time really has flown by. Now my appointments are every 2 weeks, and the best part is that I get another sonogram at my next appointment! I can't wait to see baby Stybs (or as my 3 year old nice calls it "Stubs") again.

My belly is getting bigger daily, and I can tell that I've started waddling. I noticed today that my weight shifts from one side to the other as I take each step.

This month's updates:

Cravings/Aversions: none
Weight: +2 (+20 overall) I was very happy and surprised by this, so I didn't feel guilty at all about drinking a cookies-n-cream milkshake from Chick-fil-a (and it was delicious!)
Morning Sickness: all good
Energy: feeling pretty normal, but adding a nap to my daily schedule isn't hurting.

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